Monday, June 27, 2011

Kebijakan Leasing Perusahaan-Perusaan Terbuka Non Keuangan di Indonesia: Kajian Struktur Modal

Sumber :
Akuntabilitas : Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi
Penerbit :
Jurusan Akuntansi Universitas Pancasila
Tahun Terbit Artikel:
Volume :
No :
Halaman :
Kata Kunci :
Leasing; Capital structure; Indonesia
Abstrak :
Compared to non-family controlled firms, family controlled firms have a stronger desire to maintain control to protect their highly valuable private benefits of control and the specific human capital of the firms. With substantial wealth and the human capital risking, family owners tend to be more risk averse than non-family owners, and also have stronger intention to reduce the prospect of financial distress and bankruptcy. These unique characteristics of family firms potentially make their capital structure decisions different from theose of non-family firms. Panel data from 137 publicly listed firms in Indonesia from 1996 to 2005 were used to investigate the impact of family control on firms leasing policy. Empirical test of the study found that family firms in Indonesia have higher levels of leasing compared to non-family firms.

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