Yun, Jaeho. 2009. Essays
On The Specification Testing For Dynamic Asset Pricing Models. Doctoral
Dissertation, Cornell University.
This dissertation consists
of three essays on the subjects of specification testing on dynamic asset pricing
models. In the first essay (with Yongmiao Hong), "A Simulation Test for
ContinuousTime Models", we propose a simulation method to implement Hong
and Li's (2005) s transition density-based test for continuous-time models. The
idea is to simulate a sequence of dynamic probability integral transforms,
which is the key ingredient of Hong and Li's (2005) test. The proposed
procedure is generally applicable s whether or not the transition density of a
continuous-time model has a closed form and is simple and computationally
inexpensive. A Monte Carlo study shows that the proposed simulation test has
very similar sizes and powers to the original Hong and Li's (2005) test.
Furthermore, the performance of the simulation test s is robust to the choice
of the number of simulation iterations and the number of discretization steps
between adjacent observations. In the second essay (with Yongmiao Hong),
"A Specification Test for Stock Return Models", we propose a
simulation-based specification testing method applicable to stochastic
volatility models, based on Hong and Li (2005) and Johannes et al. (2008). We
approximate a dynamic probability integral transform in Hong and Li's s (2005)
density forecasting test, via the particle filters proposed by Johannes et al.
(2008). With the proposed testing method, we conduct a comprehensive empirical
study on some popular stock return models, such as the GARCH and stochastic
volatility models, using the S&P 500 index returns. Our empirical analysis
shows that all models are misspecified in terms of density forecast. Among
models considered, however, the stochastic volatility models perform relatively
well in both in- and out-of-sample. We also find that modeling the leverage
effect provides a substantial improvement in the log stochastic volatility
models. Our value-at-risk performance analysis results also support stochastic
volatility models rather than GARCH models. In the third essay (with Yongmiao
Hong), "Option Pricing and Density Forecast Performances of the Affine
Jump Diffusion Models: the Role of Time-Varying Jump Risk Premia", we
investigate out-of-sample option pricing and density forecast performances for
the a¢ ne jump diffusion (AJD) models, using the S&P 500 stock index and
the associated option contracts. In particular, we examine the role of
time-varying jump risk premia in the AJD specifications. For comparison
purposes, nonlinear asymmetric GARCH models are also considered. To evaluate
density forecasting performances, we extend Hong and Li's (2005) specification
s testing method to be applicable to the famous AJD class of models, whether or
not model-implied spot volatilities are available. For either case, we develop
(i) the Fourier inversion of the closed-form conditional characteristic
function and (ii) the Monte Carlo integration based on the particle filters
proposed by Johannes et al. (2008). Our empirical analysis shows strong
evidence in favor of time-varying jump risk premia in pricing cross-sectional
options over time. However, for density forecasting performances, we could not
find an AJD specification that successfully reconcile the dynamics implied by
both time-series and options data.
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