Monday, June 27, 2011

Pengaruh Peristiwa Politik Terhadap Transaksi Saham di Bursa Efek Jakarta

Pengarang :
Adler Haymans Manurung; Cahyanti Ira K.
Sumber :
Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen
Penerbit :
Universitas Sebelas Maret. Program Magister Manajemen
Tahun Terbit Artikel:
Volume :
No :
Halaman :
Kata Kunci :
Stock exchanges; Stock price indexes; Political development; Return on investments; Bursa Efek Jakarta
Abstrak :
This research is aimed to observe reaction of nine JASICA based sectors in Jakarta Stock Exchange (agriculture; mining; basic chemical Industry; miscellaneous industry; consumer good; construction, property and real estate; transportation and infrastructure; finance; trade, service and investment) to the national political events. This research is focusing on four national political events, which are: the announcement of general Election results, the announcement of presidential election results, the announcement of new cabinet and cabinet's reshuffle. The event study method is applied in this research, using eleven days length for window event period, five days before and five days after the event. The reaction is approximated by significant abnormal return and significant difference of average abnormal return between before event date and after event date during the event window period. The results show various abnormal returns from each industrial sector in each political event and generally there are no Significant differences of average abnormal return between pre and post political event during the event window period.

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