Monday, May 16, 2011


Beberapa tahun belakangan ini, penelitian dengan topik momentum cukup banyak dilakukan kalangan akademisi di Indonesia, baik dalam konteks sebagai tugas akhir (skripsi, tesis, atau disertasi) atau yang lainnya (kertas kerja, kertas diskusi, artikel etc). 

Namun, mungkin karena keterbatasan pada jurnal-jurnal penelitian terdahulu, beberapa karya ilmiah yang telah saya baca, pembahasannya mengenai momentum ini justru menjadi kabur dari definisinya. Terdorong oleh kondisi demikian, berikut ini adalah jurnal-jurnal ilmiah mengenai topik momentum yang dapat memperkaya wawasan kita perihal momentum itu sendiri, silahkan diunduh dan dibaca. Salam. 

"A common phenomenon in the three types of analyst recommendation studies (Wall Street Journal/Zacks, Wall $treet with Louis Rukeyser, and Pros vs. Darts) is momentum. The stocks that get recomnended are those that have recently done well. In an important study Narasim Jegadeesh and Sheridan Titman (1993) document the existence of a momentum effect. Jegadeesh and Titman attribute this effect to the fact that investors underreact to the release of firm-specific information, a cognitive bias."
Shefrin (2000) page 77

"In addition to this long-run tendency toward reversal of trends, there ia a shorter-run weak tendency toward momentum, for stock prices to continue moving in the same direction"
Shiller [book]

"In an important study Narasim Jegadeesh and Sheridan Titman (1993) document the existence of a momentum effect. Jegadeesh and Titman attribute this effect to the fact that investors underreact to the release of firm-specific information, a cognitive bias."
Shefrin [book]

"Geert Rouwenhorst (1997) documents that the momentum effect occurs on global markets."
p300 "keep in mind that most predictions are made by extrapolating recent trends--what Werner De Bondt (1993) calls "betting on trends."

"Daniel, Hirshleifer, and Subrahmanyam posit that momentum stems from overreaction, whereas the others propose that it stems from underreaction."
Shefrin (2000) p102

"What causes intermediate-term momentum but long-term overreaction?"[...]"The answer is heuristic-driven bias."
Shefrin (2000) p103

"Subsequent to De Bondt and Thaler's findings, researchers have identified more ways to successfully predict security returns, particularly those of stocks, based on past returns. Among these findings, perhaps the most important is that of momentum (Jegadeesh and Titman 1993), which shows that movements in individual stock prices over the period of six to twelve months tend to predict future movements in the same direction. That is, unlike the long-term trends identified by De Bondt and Thaler, which tend to reverse themselves, relatively short-term trends continue."
Shleifer p18

"First, once one moves past the very smallest stocks, the profitability of momentum strategies declines sharply with firm size. Second, holding size fixed, momentum strategies work better among stocks with low analyst coverage. Finally, the effect of analyst coverage is greater for stocks that are past losers than for past winners."
Hong, Lim and Stein (1999)

Top 10 Papers

1.    CHAN, L., N. JEGADEESH and J. LAKONISHOK, 1996. Momentum Strategies. NBER Working Paper. 
2.    GRINBLATT, M., S. TITMAN and R. WERMERS, 1995. Momentum investment strategies, portfolio performance, and herding: A study of mutual fund behavior. American Economic Review.
3.    HONG, H. and J.C. STEIN, 1999. A unified theory of underreaction, momentum trading and overreaction in asset markets. The Journal of Finance. 
4.    ROUWENHORST, K.G., 1998. International Momentum Strategies. The Journal of Finance. 
5.    JEGADEESH, N., S. TITMAN and M.P. PAGE, 2001. Profitability of Momentum Strategies: An Evaluation of Alternative Explanations. The Journal of Finance. 
6.    HONG, H., et al., 2000. Bad news travels slowly: size, analyst coverage, and the profitability of momentum strategies. The Journal of Finance. 
7.    LEE, C.M.C. and B. SWAMINATHAN, 2000. Price momentum and trading volume. The Journal of Finance.
8.    MOSKOWITZ, T.J. and M. GRINBLATT, 1999. Do Industries Explain Momentum?. The Journal of Finance. 
9.    GRUNDY, B.D. and J.S. MARTIN, 2001. Understanding the nature of the risks and the source of the rewards to momentum investing. Review of Financial Studies.
10. LIEW, J. and M. VASSALOU, 2000. Can book-to-market, size and momentum be risk factors that predict economic growth. Journal of Financial Economics. 


·        … , SJ BROWN, PP FACTORS, WN GOETZMANN, D MOMENTUM, …, Report NEP-FIN-2004-03-22.
·        … , WN GOETZMANN, D MOMENTUM, CBOIF INVESTORS, RB …, Report NEP-RMG-2004-03-22. 
·        ??? Forecasting Exchange Rates
·        ADLER, P.S., 2001. Market, Hierarchy, and Trust: The Knowledge Economy and the Future of Capitalism. Organization Science. 
·        AGGARWAL, R.K., L. KRIGMAN and K.L. WOMACK, 2002. Strategic IPO underpricing, information momentum, andlockup expiration selling$. Journal of Financial Economics. 
·        AMIN, K., J.D. COVAL and H.N. SEYHUN, 2004. Index Option Prices and Stock Market Momentum. The Journal of Business. 
·        Asness (1997) The Interaction of Value and Momentum Strategies "Value strategies work, in general, but are strongest among low-momentum (loser) stocks and weakest among high-momentum (winner) stocks. The momentum strategy works, in general, but is particularly strong among low-value (expensive) stocks."
·        ASNESS, C.S., 1997. The interaction of value and momentum strategies. Financial Analysts Journal. 
·        Atchison, Butler and Simonds (1987) Nonsynchronous Security Trading and Market Index Autocorrelation
·        BERNARD, V., J. THOMAS and J. WAHLEN, 1997. Accounting-based stock price anomalies: Separating market inefficiencies from risk. Contemporary Accounting Research. 
·        Bohr, Bohr
·        BONI, L. and K. WOMACK, 2003. Analysts, Industries, and Price Momentum. Unpublished working Paper. University of New Mexico. 
·        BORENSZTEIN, E.R. and G. GELOS, 2000. A panic-prone pack?: the behavior of emerging market mutual funds
·        CAGINALP, G. and G. CONSTANTINE, 1995. Statistical Inference and Modelling of Momentum In Stock Prices. Applied Mathematical Finance. 
·        CAGINALP, G., D. PORTER and V. SMITH, 2000. Momentum and Overreaction in Experimental Asset Markets.. International Journal of Industrial Organization. 
·        CASTIGLIONE, F., et al., Eect of Trading Momentum and Price Resistance on Stock Market Dynamics: A Glauber Monte Carlo …. 
·        CERNE, F., 1995. Chicago. Market evolution gains momentum in the Windy City.. Hosp Health Netw.
·        Chan, Jegadeesh and Lakonishok (1996) Momentum Strategies
·        CHAN, K., et al., 2000. Profitability of momentum strategies in the international equity markets. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. [Cited by 41]
·        CHAN, L., N. JEGADEESH and J. LAKONISHOK, 1996. Momentum Strategies. NBER Working Paper. 
·        CHAN, L.K., N. JEGADEESH and J. LAKONISHOK, 1996. Momentum strategy. Journal of Finance. 
·        CHEN, C.Y., D. DISSERTATION and T. CHINESE, The Investment Performance of Momentum Strategies and Contrarian Strategies in Taiwan Stock Market.
·        CHEN, J. and H. HONG, 2002. Discussion of “Momentum and Autocorrelation in Stock Returns”. Review of Financial Studies.
·        CHORDIA, T. and L. SHIVAKUMAR, 2002. Momentum, Business Cycle, and Time-varying Expected Returns. The Journal of Finance. 
·        CHUI, A.C.W., S. TITMAN and K.C.J. WEI, 2000. Momentum, Legal Systems and Ownership Structure: An Analysis of Asian Stock Markets. University of Texas at Austin working paper. [Cited by 20]
·        CICONNE, S., 2003. Forecast Dispersion and Error versus Size, Book-to-market Ratio and Momentum: A Comparison of …. Journal of Asset Management. 
·        COAKLEY, J. and A. FUERTES, 2003. Momentum and reversal dynamics in US valuation ratios.
·        CONRAD, J., M. COOPER and A. HAMEED, 1999. Asymmetric Price Momentum and Market Conditions. 
·        COOPER, M., R.C. GUTIERREZ and A. HAMEED, Market States and the Profits to Momentum and Contrarian Strategies. 
·        COOPER, M.J., R.C. GUTIERREZ and A. HAMEED, 2004. Market States and Momentum. The Journal of Finance. 
·        COVAL, J., D. HIRSHLEIFER and T. SHUMWAY, 2003. Can individual investors beat the market?
·        D'AVOLIO, G., 2002. The market for borrowing stock. Journal of Financial Economics. 
·        DANIEL, K., D. HIRSHLEIFER and A. SUBRAHMANYAM, 1998. A theory of overconfidence, self-attribution, and security market under-and overreactions
·        DANIEL, K., D. HIRSHLEIFER and A. SUBRAHMANYAM, 1998. Investor Psychology and Security Market Under- and Overreactions. The Journal of Finance. 
·        DANIEL, K., S. TITMAN and M.P. PAGE, 2000. Market efficiency in an irrational world. NBER Working Paper Series. 
·        DANIEL, K.D. and S. TITMAN, 1998. Untangling size, book-to-market and momentum effects. 
·        DESAI, H., et al., 2002. An Investigation of the Informational Role of Short Interest in the Nasdaq Market. The Journal of Finance. 
·        Dische (2001) Dispersion in Analyst Forecasts and the Profitability of Earnings Momentum Strategies "Higher abnormal returns can be achieved by applying an earnings momentum strategy to stocks with a low dispersion."
·        DISCHE, A., 2002. Dispersion in Analyst Forecasts and the Profitability of Earnings Momentum Strategies. European Financial Management. 
·        ECONOMICS, A., 2004. Efficiency in the NFL betting market: modifying and consolidating research methods. Applied Economics.
·        EDISON, S.C. and M.M. INTELLIGENCE, Customer Preferences Market Research (CPMR). [not cited]
·        Ehlers RSI Smoothing
·        Fama and Blume (1966) Filter Rules and Stock-Market Trading
·        FAMA, E.F. and K.R. FRENCH, 1998. Market efficiency, long-term returns, and behavioral finance. Journal of Financial Economics. 
·        Fiess and Ronald MacDonald High Frequency Exchange Rate Forecasting FX
·        FORNER, C. and J. MARHUENDA, Momentum Returns in the Spanish Stock Market: Model Misspecification or Investor Irrationality?. 
·        FORNER, C. and J. MARHUENDA, 2003. Contrarian and Momentum Strategies in the Spanish Stock Market. European Financial Management. 
·        FUJIMOTO, A., Liquidity, Market Sentiment, and Momentum. 
·        Gatev and Ross (2000) Rebels, Conformists, Contrarians and Momentum Traders
·        GATEV, E.G. and S.A. ROSS, 2000. Rebels, Conformists, Contrarians and Momentum Traders. NBER Working Paper.
·        GEBHARDT, W.R., S. HVIDKJAER and B. SWAMINATHAN, 2001. Stock and Bond Market Interaction: Does Momentum Spill Over?. Unpublished working paper. Cornell University. 
·        GECZY, C.C., D.K. MUSTO and A.V. REED, 2001. Stocks are special too: an analysis of the equity lending market
·        GLEASON, C.A. and C.M.C. LEE, 2002. ‘Analyst Forecast Revisions and Market Price Formation.. The Accounting Review. 
·        GLEASON, C.A. and C.M.C. LEE, 2003. Analyst forecast revisions and market price discovery. The Accounting Review. 
·        Goetzmann and Massa (2000) Daily Momentum and Contrarian Behavior of Index Fund Investors
·        GREENWOOD, J. and B. JOVANOVIC, 1999. The Information-Technology Revolution and the Stock Market. American Economic Review.
·        GRIFFIN, J.M., X. JI and J.S. MARTIN, 2003. Momentum Investing and Business Cycle Risk: Evidence from Pole to Pole. The Journal of Finance.
·        GRINBLATT, M., S. TITMAN and R. WERMERS, 1995. Momentum investment strategies, portfolio performance, and herding: A study of mutual fund behavior. American Economic Review. 
·        GROSSMAN, S.J., M.H. MILLER and M.P. PAGE, 1988. Liquidity and market structure
·        GRUNDY, B.D. and J.S. MARTIN, 2001. Understanding the nature of the risks and the source of the rewards to momentum investing. Review of Financial Studies. 
·        HAMEED, A. and Y. KUSNADI, 2002. Momentum Strategies: Evidence from Pacific Basin Stock Markets. Journal of Financial Research. 
·        Harvey and Siddique (2000) Conditional Skewness in Asset Pricing Tests
·        HOGAN, S., et al., 2004. … market efficiency using statistical arbitrage with applications to momentum and value strategies. Journal of Financial Economics. 
·        HOGAN, S.C., et al., 2004. … market efficiency using statistical arbitrage with applications to momentum and value trading …. Forthcoming in Journal of Financial Economics.
·        HON, M. and I. TONKS, 2002. Momentum in the UK stock market.
·        HON, M.T.T., I.(2003)“Momentum in the United Kingdom stock market”. Journal of Multinational Financial Management. 
·        HONG, H. and J.C. STEIN, 1999. A unified theory of underreaction, momentum trading and overreaction in asset markets. The Journal of Finance. 
·        HONG, H., et al., 2000. Bad news travels slowly: size, analyst coverage, and the profitability of momentum strategies. The Journal of Finance. 
·        Hong, Lim and Stein, 1999. Hong, Lim and Stein (1999)
·        HUNG, S.Y. and J.L. GLASCOCK, Momentum Profitability and Market Trend: Evidence from REITs. 
·        HURN, S. and V. PAVLOV, 2003. Momentum in Australian Stock Returns. Australian Journal of Management. 
·        IKENBERRY, D.L., J. LAKONISHOK and T. VERMAELEN, 1994. Market underreaction to open market share repurchases
·        Ilinskaia and Ilinski (1999) How to reconcile Market Efficiency and Technical Analysis
·        IP, G., Market Mass Times Velocity= Momentum. The Wall Street Journal. 
·        IQBAL, Z., 1998. Islamic banking gains momentum, expands market and competes with conventional banking in Arab states …. Middle East Executive Reports. 
·        JEGADEESH, N. and S. TITMAN, 1920. Cross-Sectional and Time-Series Determinants of Momentum Returns. momentum. 
·        JEGADEESH, N., S. TITMAN and M.P. PAGE, 2001. Profitability of Momentum Strategies: An Evaluation of Alternative Explanations. The Journal of Finance. 
·        Johnson (2000) Rational Momentum Effects
·        JONES, C.M., 2001. A century of stock market liquidity and trading costs. Graduate School of Business, Columbia University. 
·        Joshi, Parker and Bedau A Prisoner's Dilemma Causes Technical Trading
·        KANG, J., M.H. LIU and S.X. NI, 2002. Contrarian and momentum strategies in the China stock market: 1993-2000. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. [Cited by 10]
·        KRUEGER, A., 2004. Maintaining the Momentum: Emerging Market Policy Reform in 2004. IMF (http://www. imf. org/external/np/speeches/2003/112003. …. 
·        KUMAR, A., 1999. Behavior of momentum following and contrarian market timers. Yale School of Management Working Paper no.
·        LEE, C.M.C. and B. SWAMINATHAN, 2000. Price momentum and trading volume. The Journal of Finance.
·        LESMOND, D.A., M.J. SCHILL and C. ZHOU, 2004. The illusory nature of momentum profits. Journal of Financial Economics.
·        LEWELLEN, J., 2002. Momentum profits and the autocorrelation of stock returns. Review of Financial Studies. 
·        LIEW, J. and M. VASSALOU, forthcoming.“Can Book-to-Market, Size and Momentum Be Risk Factors that Predict Economic Growth. Journal of Financial Economics.
·        LIEW, J. and M. VASSALOU, 2000. Can book-to-market, size and momentum be risk factors that predict economic growth. Journal of Financial Economics. 
·        LIU, C. and Y.U.L. LEE, 2001. Does the Momentum Strategy Work Universally? Evidence from the Japanese Stock Market. Asia-Pacific Financial Markets. [not cited]
·        LOUGHRAN, T. and J.R. RITTER, 2000. Uniformly least powerful tests of market efficiency. Journal of Financial Economics. 
·        MITCHELL, M., et al., SMITH BREEDEN PRIZES FOR 2002. [not cited]
·        MORRISSEY, J., Clinical systems add market momentum.. [not cited]
·        MOSKOWITZ, T.J. and M. GRINBLATT, 1999. Do Industries Explain Momentum?. The Journal of Finance. 
·        MURANAGA, J. and T. SHIMIZU, 1999. Market microstructure and market liquidity
·        NISHIDE, K., Price Reaction to Momentum Trading and Market Equilibrium. [not cited]
·        PRING, M., 1995. Martin Pring on Market Momentum. Gloucester: Int. Inst. for Economic Research. 
·        PRING, M.J., 1993. Martin Pring on Market Momentum. 
·        RABERTO, M., et al., 2003. Traders'long-run wealth in an artificial financial market. Computational Economics. 
·        REDDY…, C., 2003. Empowerment 2003: State and market initiatives gain momentum. [not cited]
·        ROUWENHORST, K.G., 1998. International Momentum Strategies. The Journal of Finance. 
·        SCHWERT, G.W. and M.P. PAGE, 2002. Anomalies and market efficiency.
·        SeUp94, Forecasting Exchange Rates
·        SIGANOS, A. and P. CHELLEY-STEELEY, Momentum Profits in Alternative Stock Market Structures. [not cited]
·        SINCLAIR, W., 1990. Witness to a revolution; the growing momentum behind producer-only farmers' market. The Washington Post.
·        Sullivan, Timmermann and White(1997) DATA-SNOOPING, TECHNICAL TRADING RULE PERFORMANCE, AND THE BOOTSTRAP Data-snooping
·        Sweeney (1986) Beating the Foreign Exchange Market
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·        URBANY, J.E. and P.R. DICKSON, 1991. Competitive price-cutting momentum and pricing reactions. Marketing Letters. 
·        van der Harta, Slagterb and van Dijk (2002) Stock selection strategies in emerging markets
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·        WADE, R. and ROBERT, 1990. Governing the Market: Economic Theory and the Role of Government in East Asian Industrialization.
·        Weintraub (1963) On Speculative Prices and Random Walks A Denial
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